Angel John Nash is crashing out

Angel John Nash is crashing out in the firmament,

Hale River is shedding down bit(ter) torrents of “Tears in Heaven”:

– God, why (with)drawn my source of inspiration out of the blue?

– “Life is (so) beautiful”; in the land of Nod, his mind is too, too!

Beautiful mind

Welcome to Ha(vArtson) House!

Welcome to HavArtson House!

On the Net, HavArtson is nowhere else to be found.

If anyone is still in doubt, Google can dis-enshroud this fun.

So why on Net (and on earth) HavArtson?


Not feet but head first, “Ha” is my name,

Which I rejoice in for its Hall of F(unny n)ame;

It is per se ubiquitous in “ha ha” – the laughter,

Thereby depicting my untamed humor.


“V” is the abbreviation for “Vy”,

Officially used to call my beloved niece,

Named after Zhao Wei, who to my heartpiece is so close;

“V” also means “via”, used on purpose to juxtapose.


“Artson” is the combination of “Arts”, and “Econ” or Economics;

Between these greatest lovers of mine, it is sandwiched.

All in all, here comes the confession of a Harvardaholic:

“HavArt” is originally born out of Harvard rhyme-mimicked.


My hope springs eternal that HavArtson deserves a medal

For being the unique s(ci)on of the… 380-year-old father.

